Wednesday, November 26, 2008

In the middle of my busy days

So it's the night before Thanksgiving day (that sounds strange...Oh well), and I've decided to make a brief (hopefully it'll be brief) list of the things I am thankful for. I always tell myself I should do this every year, but then I forget and later decide it doesn't matter.
But I came to realize that it in fact does matter, and that I shouldn't undermine how important it is to stop in the middle of my busy days and think about the things I may have ignored for awhile, the things that I should have been embracing.
The list has really random things, but I guess they're all the little things I appreciate...So here it goes, the list of things I am (and have been) thankful for:

1) My family
2) My friends-my school friends, especially those who I became friends with in middle school..And my outside-of-school (aka Iranian) friends who I've known pretty much forever
3) My house
4) My clothes
5) The many CDs and music I have
6) the Internet
7) the library
8) Starbucks
9) Chocolate
10) The fact that my sister is one of the few people in the world who can make me laugh and make me 10 times happier (sorry for being so gushy Mrs Madison :) )
11) GLAMOUR's like my Bible :)
12) The fact that my aunt and uncle are so much fun to be around and they make me feel like life isn't all about working, it's more about having a good time and being around people you love.
13)Being at a school where everyone knows you and vise versa, and where the teachers actually care about you and where you're going in life.
14) Movies...the ultimate form of art
15) Art, and the fact that I can express myself through it
16) My grandpa, who I believe inspired me to be thankful for #15
17) My mom's incredible strength and persistence to give the best of everything, I can never understand how she does it.
18) My dad's love and sympathy.
19) My earrings
20) The opportunity to take French at school; without that I wouldn't have discovered my undying love for the french language hehe
21) Forever 21 store
22) Anthropologie store
23) Ben & Jerry's Oatmeal Cookie Chunk ice cream
24) living in the pacific northwest..I love the unpredictable (usually rainy) weather and everything else about it!
25) The people who've brought even more love and humor to the family, "Sheri" and "Shawn" (I'm afraid to use their actual names for security reasons haha)
26) The fact that we have a Christmas tree, ornaments, candy canes, Christmas movies, hot chocolate with marshmellos, and many of those small things every person dreams of having during Christmas season.
27) My new Converse shoes
28) Tea, the best kind of drink known to Man
29)Thermoses, because they make you feel cozy when you walk outside in the cold weather
30) The memories of my childhood
31) Books
32) Peppermint bark (I guess this one fits more into number 26)
33) Photos, because they ease the anxiety I have sometimes that I may forget the memories I cherish the most
34) The opportunity I had to stay with my aunt for two weeks by myself two summers ago :)
35) My senior class sweatpants and sweater
36) My school nickname "Bean"...and my Iranian nicknames
37) Scarves
38) The fact that our family cars can heat up when we're driving home late at night from a party and we feel like we're going to die from the freezing cold~!

And there' s my far :)

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!



Jade said...

you know im not mrs madison anymore. and i think number ten is a lie because you laugh at anything anyone says, so its not very hard.

Shabnam said...

I'm so flattered :) I am thankful for you!

shirenesBEAN said...

well that's when i laugh just at the things people do, not rly at how the person's actual personality is...does that make sense?

oh yah i forgot, sorry :)

shirenesBEAN said...

hehe, now i'm flattered!