You know what it feels like to wake up in the morning and realize that you actually have nothing to do that day?
Well, I got to experience that fleeting sense of joy, because I officially have finished my second year of college! :D
I am so excited to have nothing to do over the next four months!
Oh and by "nothing" I don't actually mean doing literally nothing...I mean doing things that don't involve studying or going to campus like I've done routinely during the last 9 months--Hanging out with friends, going to my uncle's house with the family, eating lots of delicious food at new places I haven't tried before, and making mix CDs for people I love. :)
I hope either that you are also on the verge of enjoying time off from school/work, or that you're at least setting some time aside for yourself to do what you love.
For example, painting! I might start trying oil paints this summer, because I always used acrylics and recently thought, "Hey, why not try oils too?"
So here it goes, Summer 2011...
Bean out (out and about...).
P.S. What do you think of my new blog background? It's quite inviting compared to the flat looking polka dot patterning I had before, if you ask me!
congratulations. now u can go get latte wasted.
Haha, yes exactly! XD
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